Michelangelo’s Julius II – press photos

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Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko

Michelangelo’s Julius II – press photos

The following photos are released for publication free of charge, provided the source and copyright are stated. We would be grateful if you would inform us of publication by email.

Unless otherwise stated, the source and copyright are as follows:
michelangelo-lost-masterpiece.com, photo: Robert Schittko

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Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko
Michelangelo's lost masterpiece - sculpture Pope Julius II. photo: Robert Schittko